New website! What do you think?

Drum roll… it’s here! My spanking brand new super-optimised business website!

It’s my platform–along with LinkedIn, of course–for connecting with clients for my B2B copywriting services, which include both content creation and training (pitching to journalists and getting better with business writing).

I’m also flagging my great sideline as a qualified TESOL teacher, and my growing business as a business book editor.

I’d like to thank Sally Whittle for her amazing work on upgrading–and who has just launched her own excellent new SEO, writing and training consultancy and e-learning venture, Check it out!

I will be posting regularly on my doings, tips, reflections and recommendations as I carry on in the world of hi-tech software and services, 5G, ed tech, climate crisis training and all the other interesting things my clients ask me to help them with.

Hope you feel it’s worth coming along with me.

Have a great day,


March 2024